Over 20,000 inpatient pharmacies nationwide are an ideal, near-to-the-place, competent sales outlet with the highest customer acceptance. In addition, there are several hundred mail-order pharmacies of various sizes and customer acceptance.
For this reason, the pharmacy market is also fought accordingly. Hundreds of field workers visit this target group every day to place a variety of new products.
But what products are good products for the pharmacist?
The answer is quite simple: products, which are asked by customers!
In order to be interesting for the pharmacies, it is not therefore a question of filling the shelves with goods, which the pharmacy itself is responsible for selling them. This concept also works in no other market!
Important for a successful and above all long-term sale of your health products is to create a sustainable customer demand.
You find our approach to thinking unusual? That's what he is, but that's exactly our success story - and we've been doing it for over 20 years!
We would be glad to develop a pharmacy distribution concept for your health products in a personal interview. Feel free to contact us!